1:1 Coaching

  • 1:1 Transformational Health Coaching

    Are you ready to get to the root of your health issues? Our body is our most inseparable friend and our source of truth - but more often then not we tend to neglect it or treat it as it’s own entity. The mind body connection is often times the missing piece when it comes to true healing. PTSD, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on - these are only symptoms of something greater happening within the body. And, when the body is under attack, we cannot heal by only addressing symptoms of the mind.

    In these 60 minute sessions we will explore a the “spider web” that is chronic illness and utilize a variety of psychotherapy and somatic experiencing techniques to explore your inner world - whilst also addressing the physicality of chronic illness and how your outer world mind be impacting your health challenges.

  • 60 Minutes

    • Initial Consult - Exploration Call (Intake Document Required)

    • Access to the Member Toolkit

    • Direct access to Kristen via email for questions, accountability, concerns, additional support, etc.

    • Body based education and tools, functional medicine support, and spiritual guidance

  • Plans:

    • Pay Per Session - $127

    • 8 Session Pack - $947


  • In my experience, breathwork is the single most powerful tool for not only improving the quality and depth of your life - but accessing pathways to healing. You can can learn and exorbitant amount about yourself and your lifestyle by simply following your breath.

    Breathwork is an ancient modality that has been used for centuries to achieve spiritual awakening, self healing, meditative relaxation and more. Breathing relaxes the nervous system and creates a relaxation response in the body, it increases the supply of oxygen to our brain - stimulating a parasympathetic nervous system response, and promotes a calming sensation. Through the use of various breathwork techniques and patterns, we’re able to bring our bodies back to state of balance and harmony when they are experiencing the world otherwise - that state of balance and harmony is where true healing takes place.

  • 90 Min 1:1 Sessions

    2 Hour Group Sessions

    To find out more about Group Breathwork Offerings, please locate the section below and click into the Events Calendar.

    I look forward to breathing with you!

  • 1:1 Transformational Breathwork

    • $155 per session [includes Integration + Processing]

    Group Breathwork / Workshops

    • Varies depending on the event offering - see calendar for more details

Upcoming events

  • The Breath Reset

    January 9th from 7-8:15PM ET

    The way we breathe is the way we live!

    Reconnect with your highest self, heal deep wounds from your past, and learn how to manifest your most authentic desires.

    Join me for a 60 minute breath reset. Breathwork is the number one tool for relaxation, health, embodiment, power, and empowerment. And, relaxation is the gateway to healing!

    Investment: $27

  • Breathwork for Chronic Pain

    February 11th from 6:30-7:45PM ET

    This month's theme is Breathwork for Chronic Pain and Dis-ease.

    This theme is near and dear to my heart as I've healed from several chronic symptoms with the help of this work.

    This session will focus on transforming your relationship to your chronic symptoms, learning how to interpret your pain and wounding, and understanding how nervous system health plays a key role in our dis-ease.

    We'll workshop for a about 30 minutes at the beginning at then get into the breathwork.

    Investment: $27



    REBORN is the mother of all transformation journeys!

    This 12-week breathwork journey is all about allowing the most vibrant version of your 'self' to emerge! Each session includes a deep breathwork practice, journaling and self exploration, integration work, and more.

    You will not walk away from this work in the same place that you started!

    [This is a live offering and can be initiated at any time by clicking below.]

    Investment: $1444