Who I am

wife. mom. daughter. sister. friend. functional medicine coach. breathworker. healer. biohacker. foodie. triathlete. endo warrior. eating disorder survivor.

“Healing is an intimate, delicate, unique fingerprint - take the journey you need to get there.”

First thing’s first - know this; you are far from alone. This modern culture that we exist within, sadly, has not set us up for success when it comes to building a happy and healthy life. 

Today, the vast majority (70%) of Americans struggle with at least one chronic issue and/or autoimmune condition - if not two or three. These conditions have become the new normal - yet they’re anything but. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States and the numbers just continue to climb.

This is anything but normal. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I don’t blame you.

But, give yourself a huge hug.

You’re here…and you’re ready to take your healing into your own hands. Your eyes are open and optimistic to what is on the other side of all this.

I see you. I see your struggles. I see your pain. I see your yearning heart.

I am all too familiar with the struggles related to chronic disease and I’m here to tell you…

It’s time to recognize that your health challenges and/or diagnoses don’t need to be a life sentence. 

I have had my fair share of health issues over the years; struggling with asthma since childhood, chronic back pain in my early 30s, stage IV endometriosis covering several internal organs, mild adenomyosis, fibroids, polyps, and a decade-plus long struggle with eating disorders from my late teens through my 20s - all of which ultimately led to fertility issues.

Anyone who does this work would look at that list and confirm that I had pretty much abandoned my body. What I didn’t realize was that through these physical struggles my body was trying so damn hard to connect with me.

When it comes to physical illness, it doesn’t just happen overnight. We don’t wake up one morning and have a chronic illness. The physical stage of illness, when we actually start to feel symptoms or feel sick, is the body’s last attempt at getting through to us. That said, the illness itself has already been manifesting for some time.

Our bodies are so insanely powerful…and wise. They are working to heal us all the time but unfortunately most of us are closed off and unaware of just how to properly support its innate healing processes.  It is very easy in this day and age, for our bodies to become overburdened with physical, emotional, and environmental toxins. It is also very easy for us to succumb to poor food choices because of the way marketing and advertising makes you believe that what you’re eating is good for your health. 

It is through my own healing process that i started to strongly believe that everlasting healing can be obtained through the intersection of science and spirituality.

My approach is multifaceted and involves the most cutting edge research and modalities that both of these sectors have to offer.

When it comes to chronic illness, you will often hear doctors say that there is no cure. What this simply means is that there is no cure through outer means that can be provided - and that we must go within to heal.

“the wound is the place where the light enters.”

Now, I would be a hypocrite if I sat here and told you that modern medicine fails us, that it is not the way. Modern medicine has its place, 100%.

However, modern medicine alone will not heal your chronic symptoms.

I’d like to provide some context here. A few years ago, I elected to undergo surgery to support my healing process from stage 4 endometriosis. If I completed the operation to remove the endo but did not take the time to clear the old mental and emotional patterns that created the disease to begin with, it would keep coming back and I would never achieve the same sense of relief that I have today.

The same is often true with cancer patients. Sadly, you might know someone who has experienced this reoccurring cycle. When cancer returns, it is often because the person hasn’t healed the “conflict” (the mental or emotional root) that manifested the cancer to begin with.

It’s the same with any illness.

If we cut down the weed but don’t extract the root, we can’t expect long term results.

With chronic disease and cancer, we so often perpetuate it and recreate the illness because we fail to take responsibility for our healing. we fail to clear the resentment, shame, guilt, and anger that made us sick in the first place.

It is through my personal healing journey that I gained an in-depth look at the variety of pathways to healing available to us.

Dis-ease can be healed when we change the way we think, what we believe, and how we choose to show up in the world.

During our work together, we will not only explore the emotional and energetic roots of your ailments but we will join forces to design a detoxification and maintenance plan built around functional medicine (food, herbs, supplementation, sleep, and so much more). I firmly believe in a client-led approach; nothing makes me happier than helping my clients reconnect to the wisdom of their own body so that they no longer feel the need to rely on external forces to guide them.

the root cause of one’s dis-ease is Never just one thing.

There are strengths and weaknesses to all systems but when we’re able to use them in complement of one another we can truly get to the root of our issues and access lasting wellness. It is by way of this approach to achieving optimal wellness, that I was able to heal years of chronic disease, find lasting relief from my symptoms, and conceive our first child shortly thereafter, naturally!

Now more than ever, I believe in the power of the female form and also in the healing powers that lie within each and every one of us!


  • Functional Medicine Certified Coach | 2023

  • Elementum Certified & Trauma Informed Coach | 2023

  • Trained in Addressing Psychoenergetic Root Causes of Chronic Illness | 2022

  • Immanence Institute Professional Level Training | 2022

  • Pause Breathwork Trained | 2019

  • IPE Eating Psychology & Dynamic Nutrition Certified | 2015

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer | 2013

  • University of Tampa - Bachelor of Science in Business | 2009


  • TRUST | a firm belief in the reliability, ability, or strength of a person, is core to any relationship. At One Works, I seek to consistently build trust in every interaction by conducting myself in a professional and honest manner—one conversation, one action, one follow-through at a time.

    SAFETY | a shared belief that it’s OK to take risks, to express ideas and concerns, to speak up with questions, and to admit mistakes — all without fear of negative consequences; the belief that you won't be punished or humiliated for any of the above mentioned or otherwise.

    PRESENCE | a belief that our time together is intimate, personable, and spiritual in nature; a commitment to share in undivided attention. This also means having one’s mind, body, and soul within the same moments you share.

    INTEGRITY | devotion to building an honest practice with strong moral principles; a promise to always behave ethically and do “the right thing”, even behind closed doors.

    COMMITMENT | a pledge to give my time and energy to you with the strong belief in your ability to change, grow, and transform - with the deep understanding in mind that everyone’s journey moves at a different pace; a commitment to partner with you in a way that is specific to your needs.

    GROWTH | a passion for constant innovation and evolution within myself so that I can support my clients using the most effective and cutting edge tools and therapeutic techniques; always looking for new ways to help my clients grow and shine.

  • Using a multifaceted approach to healing we will work together to address the core causality of your challenges meaning we will utilize a variety of techniques to look beyond physical symptoms to the direct source of a disease or condition, whether that be inflammation, food sensitivities, environmental toxicity, trauma, energetic blocks, or otherwise - ultimately the items that lead the body into a disease state. When we’ve reached the point of physical illness our body is no longer in a state of rest-digest-detoxify and HEAL.

    We’ll carefully work with the nervous system to uncover the conflict and work to resolve it through body based therapies and functional medicine.

    Within this root-case approach, it is believed that we are sovereign beings; our bodies are constantly sending us messages, trying to heal - but given the current state of our modern lifestyles we often miss these messages.

    This approach is founded upon the philosophies behind one’s Natural Blueprint of Health which is a design for physiological wellness through divine intelligence. We all have organic wisdom within us that is untouchable, unbreakable and infinitely available to us - we just need to learn how to access it. Sometimes this wisdom gets buried underneath traumatic imprints or challenging life events that strike the body, soul, or lineage but it’s always there.

    We will work together to cultivate fundamental embodied coherence which ultimately means coming into greater physiological stabilization and regulation, correcting false perceptions of threat, responding to real danger, discharging outdated emergency energy from our bodies, activating our capacity to synchronize with our instaints in a conscious and intentional way - all of which fosters a shift in the inner layer of our stuckness, opening us up to incredible levels of creativity, empowerment, intimacy, and self trust. From here, our emotions and mental patterns follow suit with the transformation of our nervous system and we’re able to access a state of healing and wellness of a much greater capacity.

    Every symptom, or physical sensation in the body, is a message from our body and soul; each stemming from past trauma, stuck emotions, outdated mental patterns and toxic core beliefs that haven’t been fully processed and transformed.

    Healing these parts of ourselves can lead to a newfound sense of wholeness and peak states of physical, emotional, and spiritual health!

  • With over a decade of self-study, training, and experience overcoming my own health challenges, I consider myself well equipped with a variety of tools and techniques to be able to effectively support my clients.

    These methodologies include but are not limited to: inner child work, internal family systems, parts work, NLP, breathwork and meditation, attachment styles, development stages, personality patterns, emotional processing, somatics, boundary setting, non-violent communication, working through guilt and forgiveness, emotional processing, understanding shame, dynamic nutrition coaching, supplementation, nutrigenomics, eating psychology, and so much more.